Best Organic Baby Formula 2024: The Ultimate Guide

By: Suzanne Renee' - Updated December 8, 2023 - 23 Minute Read

Baby Surrounded by European Formula | The Milky Box Brands

Finding a suitable replacement for breast milk can be challenging for families. There are countless queries that parents can have, and the responses can vary depending on the baby's unique needs.

Selecting the appropriate baby formula that has the perfect blend of nutrients and is accessible to your little one's developing digestion can be quite challenging. The process of making the best decision can be overwhelming at times.

In this article, our objective is to assist parents and caregivers in choosing the proper nutrition for their babies. Our comprehensive guide aims to inform families about the top ingredients in baby formulas and explain why European baby formulas continue to be the best choice for your baby.

A Note on Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Feeding

Deciding whether to breastfeed or formula-feed your baby is an important choice for families. While "breast is best" is a common phrase, it may not always be the most suitable option for everyone. Both breastfeeding and formula feeding have their advantages and disadvantages, so it's vital to make an informed decision based on your individual circumstances.


Breastfeeding isn't always the most comfortable option for every parent. Some may opt not to breastfeed due to lifestyle, comfort, or specific medical reasons. Infant formula can be a healthy alternative that can provide little ones with the necessary nutrients to grow and flourish.

American Baby Formula vs. European Baby Formula

Much talk has been about whether US or European baby formula is better. Although they are similar in some respects, European nutrition standards and regulations are considerably superior. 

Reviewed by Dr. Eric Wood, ND, MA

Dr. Wood is a licensed naturopathic doctor, with a doctorate degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Canada. He received his post-graduation certification in Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University.

With 15 years of experience, Dr. Wood is an Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition at the American College of Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Wood is an educator, clinician, author, media figure, consultant, and owns his own holistic (naturopathic) medical practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Wood is currently researching and drafting books on cancer and pediatrics.

Outside of the medical profession, Dr. Wood loves singing with the Miami Lyric Opera and is an avid musician in South Florida. He also loves spending time with his wife and kids.

American Standards

There are only four primary producers of baby formula in the US, and three of the owners are pharmaceutical businesses. With this in mind, families wonder if money is the bottom line for these companies.

The Food and Drug Administration sets the guidelines for all food products, including baby formula. These guidelines are basic regulations as to what should be included. However, they do not restrict how carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can be included in products.

United States baby formula manufacturers list toxic chemicals and unnatural fillers as their main ingredients. Sources of the remaining components are often questionable, including using hormones and steroids and crowded, unclean animal living environments.

European Standards

It is worth noting the differences between European and US formula companies. Unlike their counterparts, European companies are owned by families and individuals who started the business due to their children's nutritional requirements.

These companies are committed to using only locally grown and sourced natural foods without any added chemicals, fillers, or altered ingredients. European infant nutrition is highly regulated, with strict standards for soil composition, animal welfare, labeling, and final production. Local and national authorities closely monitor the baby formula market through additional notification and standard requirements.

The highest levels of animal husbandry and care environments are strictly enforced, and hormones and steroids are never used. Animals are raised and fed in fields that are organically grown or meet higher standard certification (Red Tractor Certification). All ingredients are carefully selected, developed, sourced, and produced with the infants' well-being in mind.

EU vs US Formulas | The Milky Box

What Ingredients to Look for in Baby Formula 🕵️‍♀️

All formulas should be modeled after breast milk and must meet the minimum composition to supply your baby with micro and macro nutrients for healthy growth and development.

European formulas contain more natural ingredients, such as using lactose rather than the US version, where over half of the infant formulas have corn syrup as a carbohydrate source.

Starting your feeding journey should begin with familiarizing yourself with baby formula ingredients and their purpose. This knowledge, alongside your pediatrician, will help your family make an informed decision.

Best Organic Baby Formulas Comparison Chart

Our goal is to simplify the process of comparing and contrasting the top European formulas. To achieve this, we have designed a comprehensive chart that includes information on various brands, ingredients, and nutritional benefits.

Hipp Baby Formula chart

Baby Formula Ingredients

Baby formulas are meant to serve as the most nutrient-dense food source to encourage healthy cognitive and physical growth. Each brand should be committed to mimicking the nutritional composition of the gold standard-mothers milk. 

Casein and Whey Milk Proteins

Casein and whey protein are the main proteins in milk. The baby formula must mimic breastmilk composition, including Casein and Whey ratios. The fact that these proteins are building blocks for your child's body and function as a catalyst for various bodily processes, the balance will vary to reflect the natural changes that occur in human milk.

From birth to 6 months, your baby's bottle should contain mainly whey proteins, while over six months of age will often contain more casein.


Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid that helps infants absorb fat from the gastrointestinal tract and ensures that the liver deals with waste products efficiently.

Taurine is essential in protecting nerves from damage, especially in the development of eyes and ears.


Lactose, or milk sugar, is the main carbohydrate in breast milk and helps promote faster absorption of iron and calcium. Lactose is crucial to keep cells functioning correctly during rapid development, physical and cognitive.

Look for formulas where lactose is the primary complete source avoiding corn syrup and other refined sugars.

Fatty Acids

These essential components of breast milk contribute to children’s healthy development in various ways.

Essential fatty acids, docosahexaenoic acid, and arachidonic acid, commonly known as DHA and ARA, play an indispensable role in the development of the brain and eyes.


Prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber that supports your baby's gut and immune health. They act as food for your baby's "good" gut bacteria and help overall digestive health.

Prebiotics encourage good metabolic health and a developing immune system in young children.


Probiotics' vital role is to balance beneficial and harmful bacteria in your little one's developing body. Probiotics achieve this in two ways: first, by supporting immune function, and second, by crowding out pathogenic types. 

Probiotics for infants boost infection resistance and nutrient absorption and promote detoxification and metabolism.

Vitamins and Minerals

Age-appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals support appropriate infant growth and development. Proper ratios are essential to build bones and teeth and prevent illness.

These micro-nutrients are equally crucial for brain development and cognitive functioning.

Ingredients to look for | The Milky Box

 Ingredients to Avoid in Baby Formula ⚠️

Like mothers' milk, your infant's nutrition must provide many health benefits without worrying about exposure to toxic or unwanted ingredients.

The first years of an infant's life are a delicate time, and specific ingredients should be left out to avoid long-term harmful implications in growth and development.

Added Sugar

Not every sugar in infant formula is the same. The type and amount of sugar children ingest as infants and toddlers have been shown to affect their metabolic health, food preferences, and long-term health.

Selecting a formula that uses lactose (Milk sugar) as the main carbohydrate to mimic breast milk is vital. By avoiding processed sugars, families set the stage for current and future health.

Whole Soy Proteins

As an ingredient added to baby formula, soy, in its whole protein form, becomes an anti-nutrient, blocking essential proteins and minerals and risking your baby’s health.

This dangerous additive contains isoflavones, a compound chemically similar to estrogen, which can disrupt hormone development. It also contains higher levels of phytates, which make it harder for the body to absorb certain minerals such as zinc, calcium, and iron.

The consumption of access soy in infants has been linked to insulin resistance, a condition that could potentially lead to the development of Type 2 diabetes in older children and adults.

Soy Oil, on the other hand, is commonly utilized as a critical source of essential fats in such formulas. For a considerable period, it was the only approved source. Families can rest assured that soy oil is refined in a way that eliminates any possibly dangerous soy protein.

Synthetic Nutrients

Artificial ingredients are neurotoxic and processed with harmful chemicals known as carcinogens. The questionable ingredients can come from natural sources or be created in a lab; asking where every component of your baby food’s origin lies is essential. 


Long-lasting exposure to Genetically Modified Organisms, even in small amounts, can significantly impact their growth, gut and microbiome health, and physical and mental development. 

GMO ingredients often need a tremendous amount of pesticides during farming, which comes with a risk of inhibiting the normal function of the nervous system enzyme acetylcholinesterase. The reproductive system is also vulnerable to the toxic effects of pesticides.

Heavy Metals 

Metals such as cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury are harmful to are particularly dangerous for infants and children.

These naturally occurring elements severely impact a growing baby’s physical and neurological development and should be carefully removed from your little ones’ food sources.

Ingredients to Avoid | The Milky Box

The Difference Between Organic and Regular Formula

The current trend shows that more parents opt for an organic formula over standard non-organic options. Let's take a quick look at some of the key differences between organic and conventional formulas to see the benefits organic formulas may be for your family. 

Organic Baby Formula

Ingredients in organic baby formulas are carefully selected and curated and are considered to have superior nutritional attributes. Additionally, Organic ingredients, for the most part, are held to stricter standards from farm to manufacturing. 

The Differences Between Organic Baby Formulas in Europe and The United States

Organic standards are formulated and overseen by the government. The United States and the European Union have organic legislation, and certified producers may use the term "organic" only. 


The United States has a body called the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that controls the certification of organic baby formula. Regulations in the U.S. are more about what should be included and not as strict as what should not be added. 

European Union (E.U.)

The E.U. organic logo is an overarching government-regulated label that applies to various countries in the E.U. Adding to this are certain countries that also have their independent certification, such as AB France, labeled for Premibio Formulas.

European Organic certification has complete comprehensive management at every level. The highest-quality ingredients ensure your little one's baby formula is organic, made with wholesome ingredients, and has the same properties and nutrients as you would find in breast milk.

Organic Farming Standards for EU Baby Formula

European organic farming must follow stringent rules to ensure the safety and nutritional composition of baby formula, infant cereals, and other baby-related food products. 

The methods used in organic farming for European baby formula are holistic and eco-friendly. The farming practices consider each detail from soil to production. Animal health, agriculture, and farming’s economic and long-term social aspects are also considered. 

The EU Organic Certification Standards

Standards are among the best in the world. European formulas only receive certification when there is a minimum of 95% of organic ingredients and no preservatives or synthetics are added at any point.

Families expect multiple quality checks from soil to production to ensure no GMOs, toxic chemicals, or pesticides.

Each animal source is fed a 100% organic grass diet. Caretakers will not use hormones or steroids on animals; antibiotics are only used to keep animals healthy.

Ecological Friendly

EU organic guidelines are made to support and promote biodiversity, ecological balance, and soil fertility. Rigorous upheld and monitored through yearly testing and appointed control bodies ensure each manufacturing stage.

European Organic Certification

European private organic certifications go beyond EU organic standards and are considered among the strictest regulations in the world. Each has unique rules and characterizations for producing and distributing organic baby formula.

Various standards include eco-farming. In all cases, these additional certifications must comply with the legal EU organic infant regulation and their own, often more stringent standards.

Agriculture Biologique 

AB France is a voluntary process certifying agricultural and livestock products, processed products for human consumption, and animal feeds. The organic certification service is organized according to an annual cycle. 

Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamic agriculture or biodynamic farming is the holistic approach to organic farming developed in 1924. Biodynamics is an ecological and ethical approach to farming and nutrition. This certification promotes health and sustainability in every aspect of the farm community that is then passed on to your family. 


Bioland is a federation for ecological cultivation in Germany founded in 1971 with more than 6200 member companies. The association aims to create an "ecologically, economically, and socially acceptable alternative" to conventional agriculture.

The guidelines of Bioland are based on the "7 principles for the agriculture of the future", in which the cycle economy forms the basic principle of organic farming to ensure the best nutrition from the cleanest source.

Demeter Certification

Demeter certification is the largest organization for biodynamic farming. It began in 1928 in Germany and is named after the Greek goddess of fertility and grain.

Demeter certification is centered around the farm as a 'holistic organism' and that everything to do with the farm's disease prevention and insect and weed control must come from the farm itself. Demeter Biodynamic farming methods are more of a closed system that depends more on the dynamics of the farm rather than outside sources.

Eu Organic Certification | The Milky Box

Different Types of European Baby Formulas

European baby formula companies know that each little one is unique. With this in mind, they offer options. Some variations may not be widely available elsewhere, adding another positive attribute to EU infant nutrition. 

Cow’s Milk Baby Formula 🐄

The most widely used base for organic baby formula is whole cow milk and skimmed milk. The main carbohydrate in cow milk formula is lactose, according to EU infant regulations.

Organic and traditional dairy cows have access to pastures for grazing, making healthier milk and happier cows.

Whole and skimmed milk have been supplemented with a blend of organic vegetable oils to achieve a fatty acid profile similar to breast milk, and natural vitamins and minerals are included in quantities appropriate to the correct stage and age of infant development.

Goat Milk-Based Formula 🐐

Growing in popularity with families, these A2 milk options are gentle and delicious. Whole goat milk protein-based formulas and skimmed milk formula options naturally contain less lactose than cow's milk.

Goat milk formulas are an excellent alternative to cow milk baby formulas because they are extra gentle on delicate digestive systems and just as nutritious as cow's milk. Goat's milk is naturally homogenized, has smaller fat globules with a smaller, lighter curd, and mimics the taste of breast milk. 

Vegan Baby Formula 🪴

European baby formulas are constantly evolving to meet the needs of all families. European vegan formulas are complete nutrition made with clean, whole, minimally processed plant ingredients. Each container is designed with the same nutrition you expect from a more traditional formula.

Vegan options meet the needs of unique medical or health conditions that may influence the type of formula and lifestyle preferences. In that case, speaking with your pediatrician or qualified holistic practitioner is a good idea to determine the best options. 

Specialty Formulas ⭐

Unique baby formulas are made for infants to toddlers that have dietary needs. This nutrition is best with guidance from your pediatrician. Designed for little ones with allergies, sensitive stomachs, and colic due to gas, families typically find broken-down protein in sensitive baby formula for easier absorption and digestion.

European nutrition is still found in each container, so you do not have to worry that your sensitive baby will not get the vitamins and minerals needed for physical and cognitive development.

Type of EU formulas | The Milky Box

Is Soy Safe for Babies? 

Families often think of soy when looking for an alternative. Unfortunately, this lactose alternative has many hidden dangers.

When added to baby formulas, whole soy protein, becomes an anti-nutrient, blocking essential proteins and minerals and risking your baby’s health. Daily soy intake can cause a reduced growth rate, causing a delay in the development of the brain and nervous system.

Soy Oil, on the other hand, is commonly utilized as a critical source of essential fats in such formulas. For a considerable period, it was the only approved source. Families can rest assured that soy oil is refined in a way that eliminates any possibly dangerous soy protein.

Soy oil is also an excellent vitamin E source, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. It is extracted from soybeans and is commonly used in baby formulas as an emulsifier, a protein and fat source, or both.

Did you know that soy oil rarely causes allergy syptoms?

European manufacturers go out of their way to provide whole dairy and soy-free formula options for sensitive infants and families that choose a lactose-free lifestyle.

Baby Formula Stages 

European baby formula stages are specially designed to mimic the transition of breast milk during different ages and developmental milestones. Conversely, American baby formula gives less thought to meeting individual needs. 

US formulas have a one-size-fits-all system, giving newborns and older babies the same nutrition across the board.

European Baby Formula Stages 

One of the many benefits of European baby formula is the labeling for ages, developmental needs, and nutritional needs. Knowing each child develops and grows at different rates, the European baby formula is specific to the phase of healthy development the baby is in, as opposed to their calendar age.

Stages in European baby formulas have a precise balance of fats, proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates; this allows parents and caregivers to find the baby formula best suited to the child’s current needs.

Stage PRE-Formula

Specifically for newborns, this stage is the gentlest. Stage PRE formula is designed to be a breastmilk supplement and a complete nutritional option when breastfeeding is impossible.

Families can feel confident knowing this stage is free of added sugar, maltodextrin, starch, and gluten. They all meet the highest European baby formula standards, giving your newborn nutrition free of steroids, pesticides, hormones, and chemicals.

Stage 1 Infant Formula

Infant formulas contain proteins in ratios that are easy to digest for immature systems. Manufacturers use these gentle proteins in infant formulas because young babies better tolerate them. Families use stage 1 formula from birth onwards, and it is suitable as a supplement or replacement for breastfeeding.

Families will find extra carbohydrates in stage one baby formula, which helps meet a growing infant’s caloric needs. As with all European stages, you can be sure that your infant’s formula will be free of refined sugars, wheat, soy, or peanuts. Each formula is gluten-free. All stage 1 European baby formulas must be 100% organic or EU-certified and GMO-free.

Stage 2 Baby Formula

Starting at six months, this stage is well suited for infants at the beginning of their solid food journey and still need most of their nutrition from formula.

Growing babies with a higher calorie need or no longer satisfied at each feeding will benefit from this stage. Stage 2 formulas begin to fortify their levels of iron and calcium to be more appropriate for this infant age.

Stage 3 Baby Formula

Beginning at ten months, this stage offers higher calorie nutrition and more vitamins and minerals appropriate for little ones on the go—a perfect balance of nutrients to fill in the gap of a diverse solid food diet.

100% organic or high-quality non-organic options for your older baby ensure only the best formula free of sugars and unwanted additives. Stage 3 baby formula continues to give your little one pure, clean ingredients without steroids, pesticides, hormones, and chemicals.

Stage 4 Toddler Formula

Moving out of the first year, this stage is for older babies transitioning to toddlerhood. During this developed period, many calories are from solid foods, and toddler milk fills all nutritional gaps.

As families consider weaning, Stage 4 toddler formulas bridge this natural progression in your little ones’ development.

Brands Of Baby Formula

European baby formula manufacturers are exceptionally well regarded worldwide due to their decades of experience in the organic baby food industry. Family-owned and operated, they pride themselves on never including sucrose, corn syrup, or synthetic ingredients in their baby formulas.

They are sourced from high-quality standard farms with humane animal husbandry practices. European baby formula companies have your infant's health and development at the heart of their practices. 

In stark contrast, most US baby formula companies are owned by three pharmaceutical companies, representing over 90% of baby formula sales in the United States. They do not mind risking your children's daily well-being by using GMO additives and sugars as the main carbohydrate to save money.

With large corporate practices for farming and manufacturing, US formula company money inevitably becomes the bottom line at your child's expense. 

Quick Picks: Best Organic Baby Formula

After conducting thorough tests, we have compiled a list of the top-rated organic baby formulas for the year. Our ranking was based on careful evaluations of the ingredients used, nutritional value, safety standards, and, most importantly, infant acceptance among infants.

So, if you're a parent who wants the very best for your little one, rest assured that our list will help you make an informed decision about choosing the ideal formula for your baby's needs.
We understand that your baby is unique, and our top list may not perfectly suit them. 

Therefore, we have included a comprehensive list of options after the top list:

● Best EU Certified Organic Baby Formula: HiPP German

● Best Organic Formula Overall: HiPP Dutch

● Best Formula For Breastfed Babies: Kendamil Organic, Runner Up: HiPP Dutch

● Best Formula For Newborns or Premies: Löwenzahn PRE

● Best Formula For Colic And Reflux: HiPP AR (German), Vegan Option: Bébé M Vegan AR

● Best Budget Friendly Organic Baby Formula: Holle Bio Organic, Runner Up: Lebenswert Organic

● Best Hypoallergenic Baby Formula: HiPP HA

● Best Goat Milk Baby Formula: Jovie Goat Baby Formula

● Best Toddler Formula: HiPP Dutch Stage 3

● Best Goat Milk Toddler Formula: Kabrita EU Stage 3

● Best Vegan Formula: Prémibio Vegan 0 to 36 Months

Best Brands of European Baby Formula

Your unique infant deserves a formula with individual properties to meet their dietary and developmental needs. European baby formula companies consider all this, along with your family’s choice of ingredients and protein sources. 

BeBe M | The Milky Box

La Mandorle is a French company established in 1989. Using the abundance of knowledge on the nutrient composition and nutritional potential of dry fruits, La Mandorle has developed, with the support of the French Ministry of Research, a patent of invention for the process.

The Bébé M ranges from over 40 years of experience in bio-vegetable nutrition, developed in consultation with parents, healthcare professionals, and the French Ministry of Research.

100% Plant-Based Bébé M has designed an innovative vegan formula range with a unique organic rice protein hydrolysate base. Each stage is free of animal-derived ingredients.

This unique nutrition is primarily designed to answer the needs of infants from birth to toddler years in case of allergies to cow's milk proteins, lactose intolerance, and regurgitation.

HiPP | The Milky Box

HiPP Formula is a pioneer in organic farming and infant nutrition. HiPP is the largest processor of organic-biological raw materials worldwide.

The HiPP legacy started in the second half of the 19th century, Grandfather Joseph HiPP (1867 – 1926), who came from Günzburg an der Donau, worked in a bakery and candle shop in Pfaffenhofen and needed a way to help his wife find a way to feed their twins. In the late nineteen fifties, HiPP introduced the first types of baby food in tins until upgrading to the much handier and hygienically safe jars in 1959/60.

As the HiPP family started the first industrial production of baby food, cultivating fruit and vegetables on natural soils and without chemicals became a critical standard. Impressed by the idea of the Swiss pioneer, Dr. Hans Müller, the founder of organic-biological farming, joined HiPP to produce healthy and tasty baby food from organic raw materials. Together they developed the idea of organic farming further, step by step.

HiPP has various options to support families, including traditional cow, goat milk-based, and sensitive formulas.

Holle | The Milky Box

Holle Formula began over 85 years ago in the Swiss town of Arlesheim. From the beginning, Holle has built their company on the belief that only by taking a holistic approach can they live up to our corporate responsibility towards people, nature, and future generations. A sustainable approach to company management is and always will be Holle’s top priority.

Building on decades of momentum, today, Holle Formula is an international company with a presence in over 50 countries and offers a comprehensive range of more than 90 baby and infant products.

Careful to remain loyal to their Swiss origins, this family-owned company holds firm to tradition as a strong anchor with a deep commitment to ensuring that the world is left increasingly better for all children in all generations.

Holle offers cow and goat's milk-based nutrition that carries the Demeter organic certification.

Jovie Goat | The Milky Box

Jovie is a new brand that recently entered the European baby formula market. It was founded in 2018 by a team of experts in the goat milk infant formula industry. 

The team behind the Jovie Organic Baby Formula was previously part of the Netherlands brand Kabrita baby formulas, where they achieved success in the goat milk formula market. The team eventually left Kabrita and started their company, Jovie, to develop their goat milk-based infant formula.

Jovie was the first Dutch company to produce goat milk-based infant formula, and they used their expertise in organic infant formula to set a new standard for cow milk baby formula. The company is dedicated to creating pure, organic, and whole cream milk with all the essential vitamins and minerals to support infants and toddlers.

Kabrita Goat | The Milky Box

Kabrita is dedicated to providing nutrient-rich Dutch goat milk formula to support cognitive and physical development. Moms founded this European formula company for moms. 

Kabrita goat milk formula is produced by Ausnutria brand infant nutrition, whose expertise has been built on over 100 years of experience in the dairy industry and top quality. Plus, the milk is supplied from pristine locations in The Netherlands.

Designed to meet your infants’ and toddlers’ nutritional needs most gently, Kabrita Goat Milk Formulas are as close to breast milk as possible. Mild in taste and rich in critical nutrients, families love the benefits of health-promoting benefits of goat milk.

Kendamil | The Milky Box

Kendamil is the only infant formula made in the United Kingdom. Built on over 58 years of expertise in infant nutrition and located in the heart of the English Lake District, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Kendamil is a family business committed to providing traceable and sustainable nutrition from farm to formula.

Kendamil innovates with a single purpose – your little one. Kendamil’s scientists have dedicated their lives to studying early life nutrition and developing the most uncompromising, nutritionally advanced formulations as close to breastmilk as possible. 

Every can of Kendamil formula is designed, formulated, and hand-crafted in-house. Kendamil works with 220 local organic farms to source the highest quality ingredients. 

This collaboration enables Kendamil to include an unprecedentedly high level of natural mammal fats and a whole-cow and whole-goat milk formula that is palm oil free and vegetarian-friendly.

Lebenswert | The Milky Box

A sister company to the world-renowned Holle, Lebenswert only provides the best formulas on the market. Holle, a major European organic baby formula company, has offered excellent nutrition for over 85 years. Holle produces the highest quality standards in the entire world.

Holle founded Lebenswert organic nutrition in 2009. This company follows all Bio land guidelines with increased sustainability. Lebenswert respects the animals the milk originates from, the farmers that work hard to source organic ingredients, and the employees that help keep the company strong.

Lebenswert formulas offer gentle, simple, and organic ingredients for birth through the toddler years.

Lowenzahn Organics | The Milky Box

This organics formula is a German company that brings families a modern and passionate approach to baby formula. A team founded Löwenzahn from the experiences and desires they knew from being parents themselves.

Löwenzahn Organics emphasizes transparency when it comes to their ingredients and production processes. From farm to bottle, Löwenzahn Organics is explicitly designed for your baby’s needs, developed according to the latest nutritional science, and produced under strict European environmental guidelines.

Commitment to safety, transparency, and the environment Löwenzahn is a top choice for families prioritizing high-quality, organic ingredients and sustainable production methods.

Using innovative scientific research, Löwenzahn Organics has developed a line of Bio-organic formulas tailored to babies' needs starting with gut health.

Nannycare Goat | The Milky Box

Perhaps the most well-known goat milk formula in the UK, Nannycare provides excellent ingredients, wholesome nutrition, and easily digested A2 (beta-casein) proteins to benefit infants through the toddler years.

Located in New Zealand and family-run for nearly 30 years, Nannycare was the first company to introduce goat milk formula into the mainstream, helping establish new legislation in the EU and UK and becoming widely available throughout Europe for the past eight years. 

Nannycare is the first significant goat milk baby formula widely available in New Zealand and Europe, using only high-quality and locally sourced ingredients, stringent ingredient sourcing, and providing science-backed nutrition for all babies. 

This family-owned and operated business is widely renowned and is celebrated as the top goat milk formula in the U.K.

Premibio | The Milky Box

A French brand committed to being constantly at the heart of organic farming by exclusively offering products from organic farming. This organic company invests ethically and sustainably with its partners, suppliers, customers, and employees.

Each Prémibio variation and stage is precisely balanced to meet an infant’s dietary needs with the right fats, proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates.

Prémibio is the first infant nutritional brand to offer organic anti-reflux and organic growth milk, which can be diluted cold, and a true pioneer in providing a range of infant foods guaranteed without palm oil as early as 2006.

Having the desire to serve all families, Prémiriz offers vegan infant milk in addition to cow milk and goat milk options.

Prémibio is a forerunner in organic infant nutrition that meets all growth and developmental requirements at every stage, age, and digestive situation and is unique without palm or fish oil.

Comparing US: Best Organic Baby Formula  

The quality of ingredients is crucial, particularly in terms of what is included and what is excluded.

Taking a closer look at organic formulas manufactured in the US we can see that the standards and guidelines do not always produce a powdered formula that supports current and future health.

Baby’s Only Organic Premium Infant Formula 

Baby's Only Organic | The Milky Box

This easily accessible formula is USDA certified organic, budget friendly and palm oil free. However, the cons do not outweigh the pros.

❌ Does Not Contain DHA or ARA

❌ No Prebiotics or Probiotics

❌ Contains Soy

Earth’s Best Baby Formula 

Earths Best Organic | The Milky Box

It's easy to find this powdered option when looking for USDA Organic products at major retailers. We are happy to see this is GMO-free and does contain DHA & ARA. 

However, heavy metals are a concerns and it's important to note that soy is a top ingredient, which may raise concerns about its impact on long-term development.

❌ Contains Soy

❌ May Contain Dangerous Amounts of Heavy Metal

❌ Does Not Contain EU Levels of DHA

Happy Baby Organic Baby Formula

Happy Baby Organic  | The Milky Box

Heavy metals is a large concern with this USDA organic formula. Reports have found staggering levels of toxic metals in Happy Baby, Happy Tot, and Happy Family Organics products.

❌ Investigated for Dangerous Amounts of Heavy Metal

❌ Contains Soy

❌ Does Not Use Grass-Fed Dairy

Enfamil Simply Organic Baby Formula 

Enfamil Simply Organic | The Milky Box

Enfamil’s first organic formula that has certified USDA organic milk. Enfamil does not contain all organic ingredients and uses the dangerous filler soy.

❌ Not All Ingredients Have to be Organic

❌ Contains Soy in Two Forms

❌ Does Not Contain EU Levels of DHA

Similac Organic Baby Formula  

Similac Organic | The Milky Box

Similac Organic Baby Formula that has certified USDA organic milk. Unfortunately, this brand has been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons leaving many families looking for the best Similac alternatives.

❌ Does Not Contain Breastmilk-Levels of Whey Protein

❌ Does Not Use Grass-Fed Dairy

❌ Recent Recall Due to Dangerous Bacteria

Best Baby Formula Recommendations

Even with all the information on European formulas, choosing a baby formula can be difficult. We can help with a place to start by taking a closer look at your family’s preferences, your baby's digestive needs, and most suggestions or health notes from your pediatrician.

We have divided our formulas into sections, including organic, classic, vegan, and sensitive formulas.

Organic Baby Formula 

Organic formula ranges mean the formula has met higher standards to receive that certification, including non-GMO, using certified organic ingredients, and processing aids, and complying with specific guidelines and requirements. 

The Best Organic Cow Milk Formula 🐄

Cow milk formula is the most traditional and is widely accessible. European companies work tirelessly to ensure families find the same benefits as breast milk. 

HiPP Combiotic Organic Formula 

HiPP offers high-quality organic formulas so you can feed your baby confidently, knowing they are receiving the best nutrition available in a conscious, sustainable way.

Only world-class organic ingredients are sourced from organic farms that use chemical-free agricultural practices that respect animal welfare and the environment. 

HiPP mimics the nutrients in breast milk, with the main carbohydrate of lactose from organically raised cows.HiPP UK, HiPP German, and HiPP Dutch are enriched with prebiotics, ARA (Omega-6) & DHA (Omega-3). The prebiotics used by HiPP is galactooligosaccharides (GOS) obtained from lactose and are a natural component of breast milk oligosaccharides.

Families can be sure there are no artificial sweeteners, flavors, GMOs, or preservatives in any range or stage. 

HiPP Formulas | The Milky Box

Holle Bio Organic Formula

Holle ingredients are sourced from the highest organic certification in Europe.

Demeter farms take a biodynamic approach to farming, meaning they use chemical-free agricultural practices that respect animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

Nutrients are designed in perfect ratio to support cognitive and physical development from birth throughout the toddler years. Each container is free from fish oil and soy. 

Holle Bio is a formula that contains Omega-3 (A) and Omega-6 (ARA) from algae. It is free from artificial sweeteners, flavors, GMOs, and preservatives. Holle Bio Cow milk formula offers a wide range of options to support your child's developmental milestones. With Holle Bio Pre, Holle Bio Stage 1, Holle Bio Stage 2, Holle Bio Stage 3, and Holle Bio Stage 4, you can ensure that your little one receives proper nutrition from birth until weaning.

Holle Bio Formula | The Milky Box

Jovie Organic Cow Milk Baby Formula

Jovie Organic Cow Milk offers an entirely organic and nutritionally complete infant formula with a unique formula made from organic whole-fat cow milk. It excludes the use of palm oil, coconut oil, or maltodextrin.

This formula is packed with nutrients that support cognitive and physical development in infants. It contains fatty acids such as DHA and AA that help encourage brain and visual acuity, lutein for eye health, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) to improve fat absorption and digestibility, and added prebiotics like GOS and FOS to support bowel and immunity health.

Jovie Cow Milk Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3 differ from other cow milk formulas because of its use of organic ingredients. This ensures that every stage contains the essential vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids your baby needs to grow and develop.

Jovie Cow's Milk Formula | The Milky Box

Kendamil Organic

Kendamil is authentic, whole milk nutrition that comes as close to the gold standard as possible. 

Certified EU organic Kendamil is clean nutrition with unique ingredients, making it among the best available.  A group of specialized carbohydrates in human breast milk known as Human Milk Oligosaccharides, or HMOs, is significant. Kendamil believes this naturally long chained carbohydrate compound adds a prebiotic blend to its formula lines. 

100% British Organic whole milk nutrients and plant-based DHA allows clean support for little ones without palm oil, fish oil, or other cheap additives. Kendamil Organic Stage 1, Kendamil Organic Stage 2, and Kendamil Organic Stage 3 are made with clean ingredients to support growth and development through the toddler years. 

Kendamil Organic Formula | The Milky Box

Lebenswert Organic Formula

In 2009, Holle launched a new sister company called Lebenswert Bio to expand their range of healthy, organic baby food options in the European market.

Lebenswert Bio's formulas are made with milk that adheres to Bioland's strict guidelines, which ensure that organic farming methods, animal husbandry, plant tending, and soil care are followed with respect and value at every stage.

Lebenswert formulas are made of high-quality ingredients that imitate breast milk and are processed gently. They use organic skimmed milk from cows raised on Bioland farms, organic vegetable oils, and organic whey powder as their base.

Lebenswert Stage 1, Lebenswert Stage 2, and Lebenswert Stage 3 have the perfect ratio of vitamins and minerals required for specific stages of growth, including long-chain fatty acids and folic acid.

Lebenswert Organic Formula | The Milky Box

Prémibio Organic Formula

Prémibio cow's milk formula is crafted with natural ingredients carefully chosen to support physical and cognitive development. It includes essential minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, and plant-based DHA. The milk used in this formula is sourced from cows raised using organic farming principles, nourishing them with grass and herbs.

Moreover, Prémibio formula is made without palm, fish, or GMOs, ensuring your little one receives clean and pure nutrition. With options available for Prémibio Organic Stage 1, Prémibio Organic Stage 2, and Prémibio Stage 3, you can trust that your child receives the best nutrition.

Premibio Cow Organic Formula | The Milky Box

The Best Organic Goat Milk 🐐

Did you know that goat milk formula has more short and medium fatty acids? This can make it easier for your little one to digest than cow's milk, which has longer fatty acids that can be harder on their digestive system.

Families seeking a breastmilk substitute often opt for goat milk because it contains naturally gentle A2 milk proteins.

HiPP Dutch Goat Milk Baby Formula

HiPP offers organic goat milk that is gentle, easy to digest, and perfectly balanced with vitamins, prebiotics, omegas, and DHA, mimicking the composition of breast milk.

The HiPP Dutch Goat Formula is specially designed for the first years of life, with essential nutrients and minerals in specific ratios. Each stage of the formula (HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 1, HiPP Dutch Goat Stage 2, and HiPP Goat Dutch Stage 3) includes vitamins C and E to boost immunity and improve skin tone, as well as biotin to support brain development.

Additionally, essential fatty acids DHA (Omega-3), ALA, and ARA (Omega-6) promote cognitive development and visual acuity. At the same time, Metafolin is added to prevent folate deficiency, which is crucial for DNA/RNA synthesis and neural development.

HiPP Dutch Goat Formula | The Milky Box

Holle Goat Organic German Baby Formula & Holle Goat Organic Dutch Baby Formula 

Holle Goat Milk formula is carefully crafted using only the finest EU Organic and independent Demeter-certified ingredients. These small batches ensure your little one receives the purest, most nutritious powdered formula.

One key ingredient in the Holle Goat formula is A2 milk protein, which has been shown to help with natural inflammations, digestive issues, and gastrointestinal discomfort. This is especially beneficial for babies sensitive to cow's milk-based formulas.

Our Holle Goat Stage formulas (Stage PRE, Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3) provide all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for the healthy development of infants. You can trust that our formulas, whether made with Holle Dutch Goat or Holle German Goat milk, are free from artificial preservatives, toxic chemicals, and other artificial ingredients.

Holle Goat formula | The Milky Box

Jovie Organic Goat Baby Formula

Jovie Organic Goat is an organic and nutritionally complete infant formula that is delicious and gentle for all infants, including those with cow's milk protein sensitivity. Jovie's unique formula is made using organic whole-fat goat milk, which means there is no need for palm oil, coconut oil, or maltodextrin.

The formula is packed with nutrients that support both cognitive and physical development in infants, including fatty acids such as DHA and AA to encourage brain and visual acuity, lutein for eye health, medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) to improve fat absorption and digestibility, and added prebiotics like galactooligosaccharides (GOS) to support bowel and immunity health.

What sets Jovie Goat Milk Stage 1, Jovie Goat Milk Stage 2, and Jovie Goat Milk Stage 3 apart is that they have been scientifically proven to be digested up to 2x faster and more efficiently by babies than cow's milk. This makes them an excellent alternative for babies with cow's milk sensitivities.

Jovie Goat Organic Formula | The Milky Box

Kendamil Goat Milk Formula

Kendamil Goat Milk is a gentle and nutritious option for infants, made with full-fat goat's milk. It has a naturally creamy taste and reduced vegetable oil levels, nourishing and supporting growing babies.

One unique feature of Kendamil Goat Milk is the naturally occurring MFGM (Milk Fat Globule Membrane) and prebiotics, similar to those found in breast milk.

Kendamil offers three stages of goat milk formula - Kendamil Goat Stage 1, Kendamil Goat Stage 2, and Kendamil Goat Stage 3. These formulas are vegetarian, fish oil-free, palm oil-free, and contain plant-based DHA, making them a sustainable choice for parents.

Kendamil Goat Formula | The Milky Box

Prémibio Goat Milk Formula 

Prémibio Goat Milk Formula is made with organic whole goat milk, with softer and smaller proteins that are easier for immature tummies to digest.

This goat milk is certified EU organic and contains essential nutrients like vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, minerals, and essential fatty acids (DHA and ALA).

With Prémibio Goat Stage 1, Prémibio Goat Stage 2, and Prémibio Goat Stage 3, you can choose the right formula to meet your baby's nutritional needs at each stage of development. Plus, all stages have 100% plant-based DHA from algae, which means there are no additional allergens like fish oil. Give your little one the best start with Prémibio Goat Milk Formula.

Premibio Goat Formula | The Milky Box

Best European Non-Organic Cow Milk Formula 🐄

European baby formula companies know that organic nutrition is only sometimes a priority, but the highest quality ingredients are always a priority.

Organic and nonorganic powdered formulas are designed with EU infant nutrition regulations and are guaranteed free of GMOs, unwanted additives, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals.

Kendamil Classic

Kendamil Classic range is reliable and straightforward nutrition with ingredients supporting your child's growth and nutritional well-being.

Kendamil Classic contains all of the same ingredients as the Organic range, the only difference being that the ingredients are not sourced from an organic farm.

Kendamil is proud to offer sustainable baby milk: Vegetarian, Fish oil-free, Palm oil-free & Plant-based DHA at every variation. Kendamil Classic Stage 1, Kendamil Classic Stage 2, and Kendamil Classic Stage 3 ensure your little one has the nutrition; the support they need from the first day to solid foods.

Kendamil Classic Cow | The Milky Box

Best European Non-Organic Goat Milk Formula 🐐

Families find goat milk formula may be slightly better than traditional cow milk-based formulas due to ease of digestion, less allergenic properties in the protein composition (A2 vs. A1), and naturally less lactose.

Kabrita Goat Milk Formula

Kabrita Goat Milk Formula is an excellent alternative to cow's milk formulas, made from the finest Dutch goat milk. Its gentle A2 proteins make it ideal for those with sensitive digestive systems.

The European version of Kabrita is packed with 22 essential vitamins and minerals, including DHA, ARA, and Omega-3, vital for healthy brain and eye development, just like breast milk. 

Kabrita Goat Stages 1, Kabrita Goat Stages 2, and Kabrita Goat Stages 3 contain prebiotic fibers GOS to help build your baby's natural gut bacteria. It also includes Beta-Palmitate, which aids in fatty acid metabolism, explicitly increasing calcium absorption for healthy bone growth.

Kabrita Goat Milk Formula | The Milky Box

Nannycare Goat Milk Formula 

The primary component of this mild infant formula is whole goat's milk. It provides essential nutrients and aids in developing vulnerable and delicate digestive systems. 

While Nannycare is not certified organic, the formula is regulated to strict European Union baby formula standards, does not contain any unnecessary ingredients, and is treated as an organic formula.

Nannycare has three stages of baby formula, each using whole goat milk as the primary ingredient, Nannycare Stage 1, Nannycare Stage 2, and Nannycare Stage 3. The formulas are free from palm oil, coconut oil, and maltodextrin, which means they contain clean, nutrient-rich ingredients and fewer allergens. This makes them a perfect choice for babies who may have sensitivities.

Goat milk in Nannycare also has ten times more oligosaccharides, a natural prebiotic that promotes growth and development. Each stage is a complete source of nutrition for babies in their early years.

Nannycare Goat Milk Formula | The Milky Box

Best Sensitive Formulas ⭐

As a parent or caregiver, you may notice your baby fussing, experiencing gassy tummies, or colic, which could be signs of intolerance. Fortunately, there are sensitive baby formulas available that can help soothe digestive worries.

Best for Gas

When your infant is fussy and displaying signs of abdominal discomfort, Holle A2 can help ease gassy systems. 

Demeter-Certified Organic formulas are naturally designed with dairy cows that exclusively produce the A2 Beta-casein protein. A2 protein is naturally easier on digestion and may help avoid discomfort in little ones sensitive to lactose.

Nutrients in this sensitive formula are designed in perfect ratio to support cognitive and physical development from birth throughout the toddler years with Holle A2 stage 1, Holle A2 stage 2, and Holle A2 stage 3

Holle A2 Organic Cow | The Milky Box

Best for Colic

Colic is a problem for as many as 1 in 4 babies and can be highly challenging in parenting a newborn. HiPP Comfort UK & HiPP Comfort German are specially formulated to address this specific worry.

Developed with less lactose, hydrolyzed protein, fibers, and a unique fat blend, this infant formula eases digestion and nutrient absorption.

The primary difference parents notice in the UK & German variations is the higher ratio of vegetable oils and the addition of maltodextrin to aid digestion in HiPP UK Comfort. Families have also noticed that HiPP UK Comfort does NOT have probiotics added. In contrast, HiPP German Comfort has Lactic Acid Culture (Lactobacillus Fermentum Hereditum® 1) a natural probiotic.

HiPP Comfort Formula | The Milky Box

Best for Reflux

Infant reflux is when a baby spits up liquid or food. This sensitivity happens when stomach contents move back from a baby's stomach into the esophagus. As you know, this can really make little ones fussy.

HiPP Anti-Reflux German & HiPP Anti-Reflux UK are suitable for the dietary management of reflux and regurgitation from birth. Certified to European Standards Each specialty baby formula adheres to rigorous European infant nutrition standards for sustainable food production, free of refined sweeteners, pesticides, and GMOs.

Comparing HIPP UK Anti-Reflux and HiPP Anti-Reflux German - the significant difference parents notice in this variation is the addition of Maltodextrin in HiPP German AR. Families have also noticed that HiPP UK AR does NOT have probiotics added. In contrast, HiPP AR German has a natural probiotic.

HiPP Anti-Reflux Formulas | The Milky Box

The Best Hydrolyzed (Hypoallergenic) Formulas for Babies ⭐

Hydrolyzed formally Hypoallergenic formula or "HA" formulas are made with proteins broken down into tiny pieces. These smaller proteins in infant formula considerably lower the chances of causing an allergic reaction.

HiPP HA Dutch & HiPP HA German are designed for babies with cow's milk allergies or intolerances. This formula is made with broken-down milk proteins to make digestion easier for babies with this food allergy.

HiPP HA (Hydrolyzed) Formula | The Milky Box

The Best Vegan Baby Formulas 🪴

European formula companies honor vegan families and babies that do not tolerate lactose and deserve nutrition as complete as traditional dairy-based powders. 

Prémibio Vegan Formula

Lactose-free and vegan formula based on hydrolyzed rice protein is the first gluten- and palm oil-free infant formula. Each stage is certified EU & Agriculture Biologique Organic.

Combining naturally complementary ingredients, Prémibio covers all your baby's needs, including proteins and essential amino acids for physical and cognitive growth. Prémibio Vegan ensures an intake of calcium and vitamin D2 exclusively from plant-origin sources.

Thanks to its lactose-free content, Prémibio Vegan can be suitable for babies experiencing difficulties digesting animal proteins.

Prémibio 0-36 Months complement vegan diets and little ones with lactose allergies.

Premibio Vegan Baby Formula | The Milky Box

Best Vegan Sensitive Formula 🪴

The most sensitive digestive systems can lead to lactose allergies or intolerance, resulting in regurgitation and reflux. 

Bébé  M Anti-Reflux

Bébé M Anti-reflux range is European doctors recommended nutrition to treat severe infant reflux and regurgitation.

Clean Nutrients that support cognitive and physical development surpassing traditional baby formulas without dairy, soy, gluten, fish, and palm oil guaranteed. Lactose-free, plant-sourced, omega-3 DHA and Icelandic lichen (not sheep wool) for Vitamin D enrich this unique baby formula.

Organic anti-reflux formula thickened with organic carob and corn starch, this unique nutrition is primarily designed to answer the needs of Stage 1 infants, Stage 2 for older babies, and Stage 3 toddler years in case of allergies to cow's milk proteins, lactose intolerance, and regurgitation.

BeBe M AR Rice | The Milky Box

 Best European Formula for Traceability 🐮

Löwenzahn Organics emphasizes transparency when it comes to their ingredients and production processes. From farm to bottle, Löwenzahn Organics is explicitly designed for your baby’s needs, developed according to the latest nutritional science, and produced under strict European environmental guidelines.

Löwenzahn Organics formulas are rich in vitamins and minerals and go beyond EU standards to include higher omega fatty acids, prebiotics, and amino acids. They are EU-certified organic; like breast milk, the main carbohydrate is lactose.

Each stage is designed without starch, maltodextrin, artificial sweeteners, flavors, GMOs, or preservatives. This formula is enriched with DHA (Omega-3) & ARA (Omega-6) and is fish oil and soy free.

Together with nutritionists, Löwenzahn set out to work and develop infant formula and baby food with the highest organic standards.

Families can feel confident knowing they will find traceability and sustainability at each stage. Löwenzahn Organics Stage 1, Löwenzahn Organics Stage 2, and Löwenzahn Organics Stage 3 offer optimal support for the first 1,000 days of your infant’s life.

Lowenzahn Organic Cow Formula | The Milky Box

Will there be a baby formula shortage in 2023?

There is presently a scarcity of baby formula in the United States, resulting from supply chain disruptions. As a solution, European formulas are now legally accessible in the US.

Families can be confident that each European powdered milk container adheres to stringent regulations to ensure that the products satisfy high standards for quality, labeling, and nutrition, surpassing those of American formulas.

Where Can You Buy the Best European Baby Formula in the US?

Several European companies have launched their US counterparts, but their ingredients differ. To guarantee that your baby receives the finest European nutrition, placing an order directly from the EU is advisable.

The Milky Box offers European formulas that cater to various lifestyles, digestive, growth, and developmental needs. Every container is sourced from the EU and delivered directly to your doorstep.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Know Which Baby Formula to Choose? 

When choosing a formula for your baby, it is essential to consider their nutritional needs your family's preferences, and seek guidance from a pediatrician. This will enable you to make a well-informed decision that is optimal for your baby's present and future growth and development.

What is the Best Baby Formula?

European baby formulas are made with pure and clean ingredients, without GMOs, antibiotic residues, hormones, artificial ingredients, soy, wheat, gluten, or peanuts.

What is the Closest Formula to Breast Milk?

Breast milk is the highest standard when considering the perfect food for your infant. European baby formula manufacturers have put in a lot of effort to ensure that their products closely mimic the nutritional content of this liquid gold. 

And Ultimately, How Do I Know Which Baby Formula to Choose?

When choosing a formula for your baby, it is essential to consider their nutritional needs, and your family's preferences, and seek guidance from a pediatrician or qualified holistic practitioner if you’re still unclear. This will enable you to make a well-informed decision that is optimal for your baby's present and future growth and development.

⚠️ The Best Organic Baby Formula 2023 Guide will be updated regularly, always providing you with the latest information! 


Please be aware that this information is based on general trends in babies, and it is not medical advice. Your doctor should be your first source of information and advice when considering any changes to your child’s formula and when choosing your child’s formula. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for your baby because breast milk provides your child with all the essential nutrients they need for growth and development. Please consult your pediatrician if your child requires supplemental feeding.

Suzanne Renee' is an accomplished professional with extensive expertise in the area of infant nutrition, dedicated to promoting the health and wellbeing of children. She started this journey as a foster parent. Suzanne has emerged as a strong proponent of the European baby formula and has become a full time writer of the subject. In her free time, she enjoys camping, hiking and going to church.

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Reviewed by Dr. Eric Wood, ND, MA

Dr. Wood is a licensed naturopathic doctor, with a doctorate degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Canada. He received his post-graduation certification in Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University.

With 15 years of experience, Dr. Wood is an Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition at the American College of Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Wood is an educator, clinician, author, media figure, consultant, and owns his own holistic (naturopathic) medical practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Wood is currently researching and drafting books on cancer and pediatrics.

Outside of the medical profession, Dr. Wood loves singing with the Miami Lyric Opera and is an avid musician in South Florida. He also loves spending time with his wife and kids.