Best Baby Formula for Colic

By: Suzanne Renee' - Updated December 21, 2023 - 9 Minute Read

Best Baby Formula for Colic | The Milky Box

You have just settled into a comfortable routine with your new baby when, at about three weeks old, your little one is up every hour fussing and crying. Colic is a problem for as many as 1 in 4 babies and can be highly challenging in parenting a newborn. Families will look for a way to help their little ones find relief. 

In this article, we will share some ways to help your little one, including baby formulas that can reduce some of the symptoms experienced and may even help avoid colic altogether.

What is Colic?

When families hear colic, they immediately become concerned and may even panic, and not without good reason. Although it sounds like a disease, the short and long of colic is simply the name for excessive crying during ababy’s first few months.

The good news is Colic typicallylasts until the baby is about three months old, then seems todisappear overnight.

The sad news is: These days can take a toll on the whole family physically and emotionally. 

Does My Baby Have Colic? 

A healthy baby may have colic if they cry or are fussy for several hours a day for no apparent reason.

Colicky babies often cry from 6 p.m. to midnight. Colicky crying is louder, more high-pitched, and more urgent sounding than regular crying. Colicky babies can be hard to calm down.

Colic Symptoms

Babies that have colic have very distinct symptoms. These symptoms, together or apart, can indicate other health conditions. Make sure your child sees their healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Colic in Babies Symptoms Graphic | The Milky Box

What Causes Colic?

The exact cause of colic is unknown, as it can result from several contributing factors.

While several probable reasons have been explored, it's difficult for researchers to pinpoint each contributing factor, such as why it usually begins late in the first month of life, how it varies among infants, why it happens at certain times of day and why it resolves on its own in time.

However, several feeding-related triggers can be isolated and solved.

🍼 Digestive system that is not fully developed

🍼 Imbalance of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract

🍼 Food allergies or intolerances

🍼Overfeeding, underfeeding, or infrequent burping

How is Colic Diagnosed?

Your healthcare provider will ask about your baby’s symptoms and health history. They will give your child a physical exam.

Blood tests and X-rays or other imaging tests may be done. These can help you find out if your baby has other health problems.

How to Soothe Colic Baby?

If your little one has colic, there are home remedies that can alleviate some of the discomforts your little one feels and give you both a way to relax, even if just for a few moments.

It is good to remember that even though colic symptoms are common from one baby to another, every infant responds to different remedies, so you may need to try a few until you find the best one for your child.

Colic Carry

Sometimes known as the 'colic carry' or 'airplane hold,’ placing your baby on their belly along your forearm can help to soothe them.

Using your arm will establish a fair amount of pressure on your sweet baby’s stomach; this can help to ease their discomfort.

Tummy Time

Lay your baby on their tummy. It sounds simple, but sometimes, a change in position can help colicky babies feel better.

You can also try rubbing their back in this position, which is soothing and helpful for passing gas.

Baby Carrier

Colicky or gassy babies respond well to being held. Holding your baby for extended periods or using a baby carrier may relieve colic symptoms. 

Repetitive Motion

Taking your baby for a walk, rocking them, or using a baby swing can help with colic symptoms. 

Upright Resting

Allowing your baby to rest by holding or safe propping after feeding can help reduce gastroesophageal reflux symptoms that may be causing your baby’s colic. 

Soothing Noises

Soft noise can also help to calm a baby with colic, or it may distract them long enough to break the cycle of crying.

You can try playing music, singing to your baby, and adding white noise to the mix. In addition, some parents find that the rhythmic sounds of the washing machine or tumble dryer help to soothe babies with colic.

Dim Lights

Minimizing environmental stimulation may also help reduce colic symptoms, so taking your baby into a quiet room with minimal light and movement may give them some relief. 

Do Anti-Colic Bottles Work?

Anti-colic bottles are designed to reduce the air the baby takes in when feeding.

A bottle labeled as anti-colic is intended to reduce air swallowed during feeding, lessen gas bubbles in the stomach, and slow food intake.

Anti-colic bottles can potentially reduce any colicky crying related to gas and overfeeding by using features specifically designed to help relieve gas and colic symptoms.

🍼 Different teat flow options to help milk flow at the right speed

🍼 Bottle teats intended to lessen the chance of air in the tip

🍼 Valve systems

🍼 An angled shape to help keep baby more upright while feeding

🍼 Optional vent systems to keep air from traveling through the milk

Can Baby Formulas Cause Colic?

Colic, or inconsolable crying, is a hallmark of a common childhood food allergy to lactose in standard baby formulas.

A formula-fed infant with cow's milk allergy may react to milk protein found in standard infant formulas and cause digestive discomfort for your baby, which would then cause colic symptoms.

Additionally, if your baby has a cow’s milk allergy, feeding them formula milk made from dairy products could cause inflammation leading to colic.

What are the Best Formulas for Colic?

As we previously discussed, the exact cause of colic is not certain and looks a bit different for every family.

If your little one is formula-fed, several options are available to help to soothe your baby’s tummy.

European Baby Formulas Graphic | The Milky Box

Organic Baby Formula

While the best formula for your colicky baby will depend on their specific needs, some ingredients will be beneficial and contents that should be avoided altogether.  

Probiotics for Baby

Baby formulas that have prebiotics and/or probiotics such as HiPP formula can be helpful in settling gut flora and aid in beneficial bacteria.

Anti-Reflux Baby Formula

Infant reflux occurs when a baby spits up, and food moves back up from the baby's stomach.


Reflux can happen when an underdeveloped digestive system and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) are common causes of crying and fussiness in babies and can lead to colic. 


Anti-reflux formulas such as HiPP AR are thickened to sit heavier in the stomach, allowing more digestion time, less spitting up, and less digestive distress.

Hypo-Allergenic Baby Formula

Is made with proteins broken down into tiny pieces called “peptides” and/or “amino acids.” 

Hypoallergenic formulas have smaller proteins in infant formula that considerably lower the chances of causing an allergic reaction and can help relieve colic worries. 

Goat Milk Baby Formula 

Whey is a protein that some babies with immature guts may struggle to digest, resulting in intolerance or sensitivity.

This can manifest as bloating, stomach cramps, and distress- often the symptoms that are labeled ‘colic.’

Goat milk formula naturally has a soft curd, and asthe whole of the milk is used in making the formula (including the milk fat), it does not require the addition of whey.

Lactose-Free Baby Formula

Among other digestive and nutritional worries, the colic cycle can start if your baby is allergic to the A2 protein intraditional animal milk.


Vegan baby formulas are made without lactose and help avoid reactions caused by cow’s milk baby formula or goat milk baby formula. 

Baby Formula for Colic

There is not a baby formula for colic and gas that works for all babies. The proper procedure will depend on your baby’s specific circumstances, but you can ensure the best outcome by starting with the purest and cleanest ingredients.

By choosing European baby formula, you will know that your little one will receive nutrition free from pesticide residue, growth hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), synthetic chemicals and preservatives, heavy metals, and potentially toxic ingredients. The cleaner the nutrition, the less likely your little one will have inflammation or digestive reactions that can trigger colic.

These days are hard for the whole family. The Milky Box is here to support you by giving you peace of mind. We only carry nutrition that will soothe and comfort. Our families would love to hear how we can help. Feel free to reach out so we can find the right fit for your colic little one. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Prevent Colic in Babies? 

Although colic causes remain widely unknown, it is often linked to your baby’s still-developing tummy and digestive issues associated with specific components in breast milk or formula.

Lactose sensitivity or an intolerance to cow's milk allergy is thought to be a leader among the colic causing troubles.

What Time of Day is Worse for Colic?

Colic is that it usually occurs around the same time every day. While colic symptoms appear to come on suddenly, most babies get fussier at the end of the day when digestion is naturally slowing down.

When Do Babies Outgrow Colic?

Most babies grow out of colic by the time they are 3 months old. 

Can I Do Anything to Sooth My Child’s Colic?

Thankfully, there are ways for you to help ease your child’s discomfort during this rough time. Look above for helpful at-home tips and feeding suggestions. 


Please be aware that this information is based on general trends in babies, and it is not medical advice. Your doctor should be your first source of information and advice when considering any changes to your child’s formula and when choosing your child’s formula. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for your baby because breast milk provides your child with all the essential nutrients they need for growth and development. Please consult your pediatrician if your child requires supplemental feeding.

Suzanne Renee' is an accomplished professional with extensive expertise in the area of infant nutrition, dedicated to promoting the health and wellbeing of children. She started this journey as a foster parent. Suzanne has emerged as a strong proponent of the European baby formula and has become a full time writer of the subject. In her free time, she enjoys camping, hiking and going to church.

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Reviewed by Dr. Eric Wood, ND, MA

Dr. Wood is a licensed naturopathic doctor, with a doctorate degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Canada. He received his post-graduation certification in Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University.

With 15 years of experience, Dr. Wood is an Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition at the American College of Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Wood is an educator, clinician, author, media figure, consultant, and owns his own holistic (naturopathic) medical practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Wood is currently researching and drafting books on cancer and pediatrics.

Outside of the medical profession, Dr. Wood loves singing with the Miami Lyric Opera and is an avid musician in South Florida. He also loves spending time with his wife and kids.