All orders are processed and shipped from the EU.
We work with major carriers including UPS, DHL, & FedEx.
We also work with international carriers including Belgium Post, Netherland Post, and Landmark Global. Also, Canadian carriers Canada Post and Canada Canpar.
Your carrier will be selected based on your location and the size of your order. If you request a specific shipping courier of your choice, additional fees may occur. We send tracking information to all orders regardless of the carrier we are using.
Delivery time frames vary depending on which carrier is used. The Express options are an estimate of 2 to 7 business days. Belgium Post, Netherland Post, and Landmark Global are an estimate of 7 to 15 business days.
** Please note that this does not include the 1-5 business days that your order may take to be processed, packaged, quality controlled and placed for shipping. **
** If it has been longer than fifteen business days, we offer a 15% discount for customers to place a new order (the original order normally will still arrive). **
Due to the change, we are now charging shipping for single pack orders
Shipping and Delivery may take longer due to slow processing through customs, or other uncontrollable delays, i.e... customs delays, weather in bother the EU and US, or holidays
** Please note that shipping times will be longer during the Holiday Season, this normally begins in October **
The Milky Box is not responsible for shipping delays due to circumstances we have no control over, i.e…delays with customs or weather delays in both the EU and US. If your item is damaged or lost during shipping, you may file a claim with the carrier. We cannot guarantee delivery of your package, only that your package will be shipped.