How to Plan a Vacation with Baby

By: Suzanne Renee' - Updated April 21, 2024 - 12 Minute Read

How to Plan a Vacation with Baby | The Milky Box

Planning a vacation with an infant can be daunting, especially regarding packing and flying concerns. With current health concerns, it can seem even more intimidating.

This article aims to provide families with tips and tricks to help them feel confident that traveling with babies is not something to fear. You can create happy memories that will last a lifetime with thoughtful planning.

Traveling with Your Baby Does Not Have to be Overwhelming

When planning a trip with children, it's essential to consider their unique needs and preferences. For instance, if your child is a picky eater, research the local food options beforehand or pack some familiar snacks. Similarly, if your child gets carsick, you may want to bring medication, choose a seat near the front of the vehicle, or plan for frequent breaks.

When traveling with children, it's also essential to ensure that you have all the necessary documents and items, such as passports, visas, birth certificates, and any medications or medical equipment. Considering these factors, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for everyone.

Traveling does not have to be overwhelming | The Milky Box

Best Vacations with a Baby

The absolute best vacations start with a cheerful outlook from parents and caregivers. Then careful thought into daily details will help with the routine and comfort of babies.

Don't Wait Until Your Baby Is Older

The first months are the most sensitive. Babies are still developing their immune systems, so it is essential to take protective measures, especially when traveling in crowded locations, airplanes, or busy hotels.

Consult Your Child's Healthcare Provider

Check in with your healthcare provider before traveling for terrific tips and to ensure your little one is healthy and ready for their first flight or long-distance car ride.

We are big fans of simple safety precautions. Avoiding health risks is an easy task and will help infants, other passengers, friends, and family members worry-free.

Wash your hands and your baby's hands frequently

Use sanitizer on any surfaces that can transfer germs

Avoiding visibly ill travelers and service people

Avoid Health Risk | The Milky Box

Planning Tips – Baby and Toddler Travels

Ready to travel? There are many tips to help keep your baby or toddler safe and ensure that the trip is comfortable for the entire family.

Making travel arrangements for an infant is similar to learning how to travel with an older baby or toddler, but it does factor in planning details.

Plan Age-Appropriate Trips

Families find that planning a trip that works for your child's specific age, abilities, and interests makes the journey enjoyable for everyone.

You can still go where you want. Make sure to build in frequent breaks, naps, and maybe a playground stop to keep the baby engaged and happy.

Baby Travel – Managing Expectations

Start with the right state of mind when planning. Don't compare your baby's travel days with your pre-children’s excursions. Many mid-trip frustrations and annoyances will be forgone if you can do this.

Slower Pace

Be prepared to make many stops for an infant or older baby who is breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Check out guidebooks, internet searches, and area maps to plan comfortable and enjoyable frequent stops.

Enjoy the scenery or try a new dessert shop where you usually need more time running to the following site to notice. Traveling at a slower speed does not have to be a terrible thing at all. You will have time to appreciate what is in front of you when you are not trying to hurry to the next destination.

Traveling with Your Baby Does Not Have to Be Overwhelming

At home, it is easy to get bogged down by daily life. Working, making dinner, cleaning the house, and caring for the family. It would be best to remember to slow down and enjoy the trivial things when busy with everyday routines.

When you are on vacation, the slow pace works to your advantage!

Dedicating time to connecting with your loved ones is more effortless without regular tasks or expectations.

Traveling with your baby | The Milky Box

Allow Extra Time

Ensuring your little one gets enough sleep while you're on vacation is essential to an enjoyable trip for infants, family members, and other passengers along for the ride. A well-rested child can be a joy to travel with, whereas a tired one can stress everyone out, as their tolerance for all kinds of things is diminished. 

Plan a strategy for how and where your baby sleeps during your trip to ensure they’re not sleep-deprived.

Nap Schedule 

Following your baby's usual routine as closely as possible while on the go is a clever idea.

Times do not have to be exact but as close as possible. If your baby is used to napping mid-morning, organize your itinerary to allow them to doze before lunch.

Nap Schedule | The Milky Box

Nap on the Go

If you can only fit in one nap time, or your schedule doesn't allow your sleeping baby to settle in a dark, quiet room with a pack n play, you may be able to schedule activities during your trip that would enable your baby to nap on the go.

Of course, some activities are much better suited to helping your little one gets to sleep than others; a quiet stroll through a museum or gallery or an afternoon in your arms under a beach umbrella is undoubtedly preferable to a theme park or concert.

Bring Only Baby Gear That Will Be Helpful

Although your research may find that hotels or accommodations offer some basic baby necessities, bringing the baby gear you most need on your journeys is best. Using your equipment will ensure the safety and security of your little one.

Packing extra gear (especially if you're flying) can be a pain, but it will be well worth the effort when a baby feels comfortable, and you know there are no worries about faulty gear.

Try New Things

Pro Tip: Use new travel equipment, such as a travel bassinet, highchair, or baby carrier, several times before you go to make sure all is in working order and your little one is comfortable.

Don't Forget Favorite Toys or Blankets

Along the journey, you will find that some travel gear is so essential that you should never leave home without it. At the top of the list are the unique things that remind your little one to feel the comforts of home, such as a special blanket, stuffed animals, and toys. 

Baby Packing Checklist

Traveling with a baby is one time when overpacking is the right thing to do. While you do not want to go overboard, you will likely travel with bulky items like a car seat and a stroller and small things like rash cream and baby's passport.

A complete baby travel packing list must include everything from bath time needs, baby food, and a roomy diaper bag such as a backpack.

The perfect diaper bag has the added bonus of carrying not only one or two bottles of formula or breastmilk. You can also bring food for parents, snacks for an older child, and all the information and tips for the hotel and destination you will need.

Baby Packing Checklist | The Milky Box

Know What's Going to Fly with Your Airline–and Not

Regarding air travel, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) enforces strict regulations on what is allowed to pass through security checkpoints. While these rules can be overwhelming and confusing for many adults, parents traveling with children can breathe a little easier. 

The TSA has more relaxed guidelines for kids 12 or younger, making traveling with young ones a bit less stressful.

Infant Formula/Breast Milk

European formula, breast milk, juice, and sippy cup filled with your little ones' favorite toddler milk are permitted through the security checkpoint.

The same goes for bottles, infant cereals, and snack cups. Just make sure to remove these items from your carry-on bag to be screened separately from the rest of your belongings. The TSA-approved baby travel lists include ice packs, freezer or gel packs, and other accessories needed to cool pre-made formula or breast milk.

Traveling with European Baby Formula

Thorough planning is the key to a stress-free trip when it comes to packing baby formula. Ensuring you have more than enough baby formula to last the entire trip and considering possible situations that may require extra formula, such as flight delays, car troubles, or an extended vacation, can provide you with a sense of reassurance. 

We strongly advise packing an additional canister or box of formula for added peace of mind.

To avoid any stress and uncertainty, we suggest allowing for an extra two weeks before the trip date for the formula to arrive. This allows ample time for the formula to be delivered and ensures parents are not left waiting for this important detail at the last minute.

Top tips for travelling with baby formula| The Milky Box

Does a baby need a car seat on a plane?

Bring your baby's car seat along for air travel. It is much safer for a baby to ride in car seats on an airplane than on your lap. The Federal Aviation Administration and the American Academy of Pediatrics agree and strongly recommend buying a plane ticket for your baby or toddler and bringing your car seat on board.

A car seat eliminates the potential of babies bouncing around the cabin in an emergency or severe turbulence. Securing your little one while flying is the best way to ensure safety. When going to check in, please bring a car seat; you must ensure its FAA-approved. Look for a sticker on your seat that reads, "This restraint is certified for use in motor vehicles and aircraft."

Pediatrics Recommendations for flying | The Milky Box

What to Look for in Your Family's Travel Insurance Policy

One of our favorite travel tips that makes sense, especially with young babies and older kids, whether it is your first trip or a seasoned adventure, is to consider travel insurance. 

The amount and kind of insurance will depend on many factors, including the length of your vacation, whether it will be a shorter period or an extended stay to travel abroad.

Travel Insurance for a Newborn Baby

Insuring newborns and toddlers are simple, but it is more complex than adults are.

First, travel insurance only covers newborns once they are 14 days old.

Second, find out if having insurance for the newborn requires an additional policy or if you can add them to yours.

Pro Tip: Newborns and younger kids don't need protection from lost baggage or missed connection, so stick with the basics like medical care insurance and Trip Cancellation.

Best Trip Tips: Extra Coverage

Double-check your policy to be aware of what will and will not cover. Ask your travel insurance provider if specifics are covered for your family travel plan.

There may be details to consider, like vacation rentals, worldwide destinations, or even hotel room considerations. When choosing coverage, road trip protection and extended stays for more than two weeks also make all the difference.

Get a Family-Friendly Guide to your Destination

Family Destinations Guides features reviews of hotel rooms, many resorts, island travel destinations, and attractions your whole family will love. In addition, you will find ideas and amazing tips to aid in planning your trip.

From family trips with infants and children to excursions with teens and older kids, family guides share detailed advice for traveling with kids of all ages. You may even find theme parks with roller coasters and kids clubs that suit even the pickiest family member.

All kinds of adventures for your child and other guests can be found on these sites and booklets. You can get specifics on all-inclusive resorts, local hotels, and national parks.

If you are looking for a destination with a kids’ club that provides childcare options or want a world-renowned boarding house with more than just standard room and a separate bedroom for parents, these guides cover it all.

Traveling With an Infant 

Traveling with an infant can be both exciting and challenging at the same time. However, the joy of creating new memories with your family is unparalleled. With proper planning and preparation, you can ensure that your trip is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for both you and your infant.

Having the best available nutrition for your little one is essential to make your travels smoother. The Milky Box is here to provide you with just that. With a carefully curated selection of high-quality European baby formulas, you can rest assured that your baby gets the best nutrition possible. 

So, explore all corners of the world with your family while The Milky Box takes care of your infant's nutritional needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What about sun safety for newborns? 

Keep your baby cool and protect them from the sun. You may want to consider a zinc oxide-based sunscreen but stay away from the chemical-based ones for multiple concerning reasons. Babies under six months old should be kept out of direct sunlight for a considerable time.

How soon is baby travel recommended?

In general, doctors recommend you wait to fly until your baby's immune system is better developed. This could be as one month for full-term infants, though some doctors recommend anywhere between three months and six months.

Are there travel destinations off limits to babies? 

You may find an all-inclusive resort, an odd vacation rental, or other child carefree places. Check with your travel agent to make sure the place you choose is infant friendly. 


Please be aware that this information is based on general trends in babies, and it is not medical advice. Your doctor should be your first source of information and advice when considering any changes to your child’s formula and when choosing your child’s formula. Always consult your pediatrician before making any decisions about your child’s diet or if you notice any changes in your child.

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for your baby because breast milk provides your child with all the essential nutrients they need for growth and development. Please consult your pediatrician if your child requires supplemental feeding.

Suzanne Renee' is an accomplished professional with extensive expertise in the area of infant nutrition, dedicated to promoting the health and wellbeing of children. She started this journey as a foster parent. Suzanne has emerged as a strong proponent of the European baby formula and has become a full time writer of the subject. In her free time, she enjoys camping, hiking and going to church.

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Reviewed by Dr. Eric Wood, ND, MA

Dr. Wood is a licensed naturopathic doctor, with a doctorate degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Canada. He received his post-graduation certification in Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University.

With 15 years of experience, Dr. Wood is an Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition at the American College of Health Sciences in Portland, Oregon. Dr. Wood is an educator, clinician, author, media figure, consultant, and owns his own holistic (naturopathic) medical practice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Dr. Wood is currently researching and drafting books on cancer and pediatrics.

Outside of the medical profession, Dr. Wood loves singing with the Miami Lyric Opera and is an avid musician in South Florida. He also loves spending time with his wife and kids.