Holle® Organic Infant Formula

Holle Organic Formula: Embark on a whimsical journey 🚀 from the first burp 😋 to the thousandth giggle 😂 with Holle’s splendid baby formula 🍼, aptly suitable from birth 👶 all the way to those adventurous toddling years 🚶 until age 3! Dive spoon-first 🥄 into a pot of Holle Organic, where not a single corn syrup molecule dares to tread 🌽, where chemicals 🚫 are unheard of, and GMOs? They’re left knocking at the door 🚪, uninvited to this pure and natural baby feast 🌱!

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Why buy Holle Baby Formula?

Holle is the leading manufacturer of natural baby food globally. Each Holle organic formula variation and stage contains only the best raw ingredients without chemicals, preservatives, or refined sugar.

Holle's organic formula, much like HiPP Formula, is designed with perfectly balanced micro- and macronutrients to support your baby's physical growth and cognitive development. Organic milk is the base for each formula added to a blend of organic vegetable oils, essential vitamins and minerals, and vital fatty acids.

Families appreciate Holle’s approach to clean, simple, gently processed organic formulas that allow infants to receive a natural and balanced diet while remaining committed to the future by producing in an environmentally sustainable way. Every milk formula created is climate neutral and is on the way to being climate favorable, thus taking an essential step towards securing a future worth living for all generations.

Holle formula is certified EU organic; many hold the strictest European private organic certifications, the Demeter seal. 

Holle has a wide range of baby formulas available to serve infants from newborns through the toddler years—comprehensive choices based on regular cow milk, A2 cow milk, and goat milk. 

Holle Brand History

Holle Formula began over 85 years ago in the Swiss town of Arlesheim. In 1933, Holle Nährmittel AG was Switzerland’s first biodynamic processor of bread, cereals, grains, and baby porridges. From the beginning, Holle has built their company on the belief that only by taking a holistic approach can they live up to our corporate responsibility towards people, nature, and future generations. A sustainable approach to company management is and always will be Holle’s top priority.

Building on decades of momentum, today, Holle Formula is an international company with a presence in over 50 countries and offers a comprehensive range of more than 90 baby and infant products. 

Careful to remain loyal to their Swiss origins, this family-owned company holds firm to tradition as a strong anchor with a deep commitment to ensuring that the world is left increasingly better for all children in all generations.

Holle Formula: European Organic & Demeter Certification

Holle Formula has nutrients that families can feel good about trusting their baby's health due to EU organic certification with Demeter quality.  EU strict rules and guidelines ensure organically certified infant formulas follow a strict system of checks and balances at every level, including farmers, retailers, seed suppliers, and food processors. 

  • EU Organic Certification follows strict regulations and guarantees quality assurance. You will never find hormones or antibiotics used at any production stage, including caring for and keeping humanly treated livestock according to breed and species. 

Holle formulas with the EU organic logo are made with at least 95% organic ingredients and follow the conditions for the remaining 5% non-organic ingredients.

  • Holle baby formulas are not only EU organic they have Demeter certification.​​ They meet some of the most stringent requirements in the world for sustainable farming without chemical additives. Demeter certification is considered the gold standard in organic farming. 

Demeter certification must be renewed every year to guarantee the highest organic quality baby formulas are produced. This verification ensures that each ingredient in the formula has been checked for chemical additives, preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, steroids, and added sugar. The Demeter certification requires components to be sourced from biodynamic farms in Germany.

Holle Formula Organic and Demeter Ingredients

Holle certifications help families know that their children will receive the nutrition produced by natural cultivation without violence and exploitation of animals & the environment. Preference is always given to quality over quantity and biodiversity over monocultures.

You will never find GMOs, chemical pesticides, artificial preservatives, colors, or refined sugars. Holle uses only carefully selected and grown ingredients to support each age and stage of development.

Organic Lactose

To be certified organic, dairy products must come from animals that are pastured and fed to precise standards. The milking cows and goats are treated humanely and are never given unnecessary antibiotics or hormones.

The main carbohydrate in breast milk, lactose, is the ideal energy supply for your little one’s body and brain tissue formation. 

Organic Maltodextrin

An easily digestible carbohydrate, maltodextrin is made from corn starch, rice, or potatoes. These complex ingredients help babies to build healthy muscles and support cognitive development. 

Organic Maltodextrin aids in thickening milk-based formulas. This element gives Holle formulas a creamy, smooth texture similar to breastmilk, helping hungry babies feel satisfyingly full. 

Holle Formula Stages

Holle formulas are separated into stages instead of ages in the European baby formula tradition. This is done to reflect the nutritional complexity of breast milk, a dynamic fluid that changes to meet babies' needs at different ages. In many instances, the suggested age will align with the stage. 

Each Holle variation stage is precisely balanced to meet an infant’s dietary needs with the appropriate fats, proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. Each one is best suited to the unique developmental and nutritional phase.

Holle Infant Formulas

  • The first 100 days of life demand gentle nutrient-rich formulas that help babies develop wholesome eating habits while supporting present physical and cognitive growth. 

Stage PRE is intended to be used by infants as their sole source of nutrition or as supplementary feeding for a breastfed baby. The only carbohydrate in stage PRE is lactose, the primary carbohydrate source in breast milk. This Holle formula is gentle on immature digestive systems and free of starch and maltodextrin. 

Stage 1 is intended to be used by infants as their sole source of nutrition or supplement to breastfeeding. The majority of Holle baby formula stage 1 contains maltodextrin and lactose as energy sources. The exception is A2 milk which is only lactose based.  

Holle Follow-On Formula

  • A critical nutritional difference between Holle follow-on milk and Holle infant milk is that they contain significantly more iron than infant milk. These variations are intended to be given as part of a mixed diet that includes the introduction of solid food. 

Stage 2 is a natural progression from Holle Stage 1. The amount of micronutrients and macronutrients increases to meet the required nutrition for healthy development. This stage is intended to be used after six months. 

Stage 3 is specially adapted to the growing nutritional needs of older infants starting at ten months. This organic formula stage is filling and is designed to be part of a mixed diet of bottled milk and solid nutrition. It has a slightly different balance of nutrients corresponding to this age’s specific needs.

Depending on which version of Holle formula your family chooses, follow-on formula stages will vary. Holle Organic cow and Holle Organic goat's milk formula will be stage 2 and stage 3 as a follow-on formula, but A2 Organic only has stage 2 in this range, and stage 3 is designated as toddler milk.  

Holle Toddler Formula

  • Nutrition intended to be used as a supplement to a balanced, solid food diet. Holle toddler formulas have nutrients known to be important during these essential developmental months, such as fatty acids for cognitive growth. This stage is designed for children between the ages of 12 to 36 months.

Stage 4 (Stage 3 Holle Organic A2) is nutritionally solid to fill the gaps of a newly formed solid food diet. Perfect to be mixed with foods like cereals or mashed fruit or introduced in a cup for transition to the family table. 

Holle Baby Formulas Versions

Holle offers three main types of formula to meet infants’ specific needs—standard organic cow milk, A2 organic cow milk, and Holle goat milk formula

Holle Ingredients

Holle organic formulas feature a simple list of ingredients, including a blend of vegetable oils such as organic sunflower, organic, sustainable palm, and organic rapeseed oil. In every various stage, organic lactose is the main carbohydrate. 

Supporting ingredients are vitamins and minerals such as vitamins D, K, C, and Vitamin E. Fish oil and folic acid are blended in for cognitive and visual development. 

Holle sources ingredients from organic and biodynamic farms to ensure all families feel confident that their baby receives the best organic baby formula without harmful or toxic additives.  

Holle Organic Cow's Milk Formulas

Holle formula offers two lines of European varities using cow’s milk as the base ingredient: standard organic cow's milk and an A2 organic cow’s milk formula. 

Holle Organic Cow is well suited for 80% of families. The usual range of Holle Cow Formula will be the perfect fit nutritionally.

Holle Cow Stages 1 and Holle Cow Stage 2 proudly carry the Demeter certification. This Demeter ensures that these stages are made from 99% organically grown ingredients; the other 1% is vitamins and minerals. The milk used in Holle formula comes from cows cared for by Demeter farms, where cows graze in open fields and pastures, and dehorning practices are strictly prohibited. 

Formula stages include: 

Holle Organic A2 cow's milk formula is considered by many to mimic the natural composition of breast milk closely and is a perfect choice of sensitive baby formula for little ones with sensitive digestive systems or who may have mild lactose intolerance.

The lactose used in Holle’s formula is EU organic certified and comes from special A2 Milk sourced from special cows from ancient Middle Eastern and Indian genetics.

Formula stages include:

Holle Organic Goat Milk Formula

Goat milk formula can be a good option for all babies but is especially beneficial for little ones who do not tolerate cow’s milk formula well. Containing less lactose than cow milk and made up of the A2 casein protein, goat milk is easier to digest, especially for babies with a sensitive digestive system. Goat milk also has smaller fat globules (medium chain fatty acids) to ensure ease of digestion and absorption. 

Goat milk formula is often considered a more ethical and sustainable alternative to cow milk, as goats require less land, water, and feed than cows to produce the same amount of milk. 

Holle Organic goat milk formula avoids GMOs, synthetic ingredients, pesticides, and hormones. If your little one struggles with cow's milk formula, consider checking our Hypoallergenic Formulas as an alternative.

Formula stages include:

Different Kinds of Holle Baby Formula Comparison Table

As every baby is distinct, their nutritional requirements are also different. Holle understands this and has designed each of their products with a specific objective in mind. Whether you're looking for the formula to support your baby's growth or something to help with digestion, Holle's Baby Formula Comparison Table can help you find the perfect product that meets your baby's unique nutritional needs.

Why Families Love Holle Baby Formula

Starting from the beginning, Holle produced organic ingredients, so your family can feel confident that every bottle of formula will be the best. 

Holle Organics continues to set the bar for the highest quality ingredients in the industry while improving expectations in farming and sourcing. Sustainability is the very backbone of this company, and it shows honesty and transparency across the entire company.

Ingredients that support healthy growth and development today are produced in a way that ensures a healthy world tomorrow.